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i never learn, or maybe i do...

summer 2005: me, on the bathroom floor, writhing in pain after consuming a large sugar free crystal light slurpee. that night i vowed i'd never partake food of the sugar-free variety again.

famous last words....

last night: me, in the bathroom, trying to coax my body into releasing the toxic gases it produced as a result of consuming too many sugar-free candies. effort to no avail. i still feel positively raunchy today.

i'd like to say this time i've learned my lesson and i will never do this to myself again....

but i'm starting to think i'm a glutton for punishment.


Bonnie White said...

I have some exceptional LBT treatments that will fix all that sorbitol right out of your system. Make sure you come to me tomorrow to get them.

Regina said...

Sugar-free treats are BAD BAD BAD. I hope your tummy feels better!

Lauren Andersen said...

mercedes, you failed to mention that your recent experience with sugar free was yet a pleasant reminder of our summer together in 2005 and our ventures to 711 for sugar free crystal light slurpees... despite how raunchy we felt from the slurpees... it was a fantastic summer. i miss you mucho!

Katie said...

I have to admit, I come to your blog often looking for the latest in Mercedes insights, only to be reminded about my sugar free past as well. Didn't we all have a run in or two (or forty or fifty) with sugar free pain? I have cramps just thinking of it! I'm missing hearing about all your adventures. Update your blog, pretty please!
Love you and miss you!