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recent statistics*

places traveled:
  1. Calgary for some family time.
  2. Phoenix for some hot yoga.
  3. Las Vegas for all things that stay in Vegas.
  4. Los Angeles for a wedding.
  5. Boston to remind me of how much i miss the east cost.
  6. Rhode Island to remind me that there are places where the people are bigger hicks than in Utah.

books read:
the trouble with physics

(the trouble with this book is it is BOOORING.)

a fine balance
(the indian version of anna karenina and a must read. MUST MUST MUST.)

the man who ate everything
(by jeffery steingarten of iron chef fame. god put jeffery steingarten on earth to make fun of' stupid food phobias. even though i am faily certain he would make a lot of fun of me, i still love him and his book.)

teach like a champion
(bought because my primary class is going to drive me to drink. the book is supposed to help with classroom management. the only thing it is helping with, however, is my resolve not to have children.)

sense and sensibility.
(favorite line: like him? esteem him? use those insipid words again and i will leave the room this instant.)

TV series watched
a dead-good western. don't watch if you are offended by colourful language.

the wire.

makes you wonder why you ever wasted time on law and order reruns. also don't watch if offended by colourful language.

the good wife.

based on the elliot spitzer/rod blagojevich scandal. i real gem of a show.

keeping up with the kardashians.
it is free on on demand. i blame on demand or a lot of poor tv habits.

Jobs Quit:
bridal store employee

Jobs Gained:
Ghostwriter (seriously).

*i mention all these things for a couple of reasons. first, i like lists. second, lists make me feel like i am doing something with all my time; the illusion of productivity if you will.


Bonnie White said...

I love you. YOur humour, your lists, your recommendations.

leah jane said...

lists give me that same calming illusion of productivity, and help me feel better about life! like a bold "SEE, I AM DOING STUFF!" to the universe. i like the way you think!!