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And BINGO was her Name-O

we are major scrabble nerds. we play enough to know all the two letter words. we keep track of our scores on a spread sheet. we read blogs about scrabble strategy. we know which words are not in the real dictionary but are in the scrabble dictionary.


last night we had an epic scrabble war. check it out:
we each had three bingos. we each made a two letter word worth over sixty points. we were neck and neck through the whole game. i really wanted to win. towards the end my heart was thumping, i kept having to use the washroom, and i was sweating behind my knees*. physiological responses to a tight game are not abnormal for a serious scrabbler like myself. it's a stressful game.

we each only had two letters left and i blew michael out of the water with some really lame word like tai. the great thing about scrabble is that once you use all of your letters, it is game over. so between "tai" and adding michael's left over letters to my score and subtracting them from his, i was able to just break ahead. 526 to 532 (gold star for me).

and i am just writing this for two reasons. one, to brag. and two, so that on days when i am having the an major nervous breakdown about my life and feel like i have no useful skills, i can read** this and remember that i have "serious talent." i could go pro (pro-vided i only play against people with no more than an elementary school education).

in honour of my three seven letter words (and win), for the rest of the week i would like to be called MERCEDES "BINGO" WHITE.

*sweating behind the knees is my new nasty physical problem. although it is better than acne, it is still pretty gross. is this too much information?!? am i the only one afflicted with this condition?!? do you think putting antiperspirant there will quell waterworks i have going on back there? did you know the human brain weighs three pounds?!?

**and let's not talk today about the fact that i just admitted to being a total narcissist because i sometimes kinda re-read my own blog. in fact i am pretty sure that the only person that reads this is my mom (HI!) and that most of my profile views come from me looking at myself!

(i probably shouldn't blog at 2:30 in the morning. i'm kinda loopy)


Bonnie White said...

You keep strange hours Bingo. You rock at Scrabble though. Remind me to play you when you are drenched in sweat around the knees so that you will be distracted!

mom/Janet said...

1. I read your blog.
2. I too sweat behind the knees. I hate it. Why does that happen. I like the antiperperant idea.
3. Why are you on the computer at 2:30am. I can think of better things to do at that hour. :)
4. I was never good at scrabble.

So........keep making blog entries. I like them.

Regina said...

hey now...I always read your blog. I was quite said that from May to August it was silence.

Miss you! We should try to organize a visit one of these days...seriously!

leah jane said...

Hey, i'm here and i'm reading! in fact i really love your blog! and even though i can't force myself to get into scrabble (despite numerous efforts) i get that same sweaty knee effect when we play blockus! have you played? you must! you just seem like the type of people to love it.

Sherrie said...

I love scrabble! Is JAP a real word?

I'm Mikes friend from Jerusalem not a stalker (or maybe I am a stalker, but I'm not creepy).

If you're ever in the Idaho Falls area, I'd love to serve you two a large meal and not control your portions.