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Paging Mango Itchybald to customer service...

your "mother" left this message for you:

DON'T move to san francisco....

lauren leaves tomorrow. i think i am going to have a mental breakdown. thank goodness for g-chat. laureny even though i am so sad you are leaving--i hope sf is perfect, warm, and swarming with eligible gentlemen. i can't wait to come and visit!

and seriously let's DO this cooking blog thing. it will help us keep in touch.


A Canadian Foodie said...

Wouldnt you love a day trip with Lauren on Monday? It's a long way.... XO

Lauren Andersen said...

mercedes!!! i love how you put "bald" instead of "balls"!! hahahaa!! thank you! i am going to miss you terribly!!! PLEASE get a phone????????? i miss our verizon free network to network deal!!!

i love you so much!